Are you afraid of the dark?

Okay so again its been a pretty average to boring day. Made great headway on my models, only have a small handful to paint and good news, the guy on ebay finally dispatched my dreadnought!  When that beast shows up I will be ready to decimate just about anything!
Unfortunately, it is not the Space Wolves official dreadnought, “Bjorn the Fell Handed”, who is actually the oldest Space Marine aside from the emperor himself. For those of you who care and are not in the know, in warhammer a dreadnought is a huge bi-pedal battle tank, like a rustic ED-209 kind of thing. When a truly epic space marine that has proven himself hundreds of times is messed up beyond all repair, but still just about alive, his battle brothers have him placed in a dreadnought. From there, in a state of near death they operate this giant, destructive walking sarcophagus in major battles, and spend the rest of the time sleeping. I really want to get Bjorn as he is one of the most powerful characters in warhammer, and I love the part of his bio that states how whenever he is bought on-line to battle, the younger Space Wolves keep asking him to tell stories of his battles, and he has grown so tired of this he is pretending to go senile just to avoid telling the same stories again and again.

In other news, today I descovered a great web series on youtube, called “The Haunting of Sunshine Girl”, linkage occurs here – Haunted Sunshine Girl’s youtube account.
Basically its about this girl called Sunshine, and her mother, and a load of creepy hauntings and weird people affecting them in their new home. For a web series I think “Sunshine” (her real name is never revealed) is a fantastic actress, as is her mother. Sunshine really plays up the cute teen girl role perfectly, aided by the fact she is actually very cute. The series is huge although the videos are usually quite short. It is also split into separate play lists so you can better follow the story, as it seems to branch from the original haunting onto more as Sunshine and her mother go searching for other haunted places.

In a strange little aside to this topic, Sunshine girl is a huge fan of a paranormal phenomenon known as “BEKs” or Black Eyed Kids, which in the last few months has been a big interest to me too. It may be fake, it may be real, I don’t care the concept is just so eerie its cool. And very frightening.
Here is a great link if you want to learn about them.
It all started when a journalist called Brian Bethel reported to a friend on line a creepy encounter he had with two children back in 1998. Bethel was getting into his car ready to travel home from work, when two children, no older than about 12 or 13, came up next to the car and asked if they could have a ride.
Bethel was about to give them a lift, being a decent sort, but he had a strange feeling about the kids and ended up refusing. The kids kept on asking for a lift, and being refused, becoming more insistant each time, and Bethel felt that there was a strange threatening tone to the older boy’s voice (the younger one actually never made much if any sound).
It was only then that Bethel noticed something about both boys, something that despite looking at them for a good few minutes, seemed completely normal until this point. Both boy’s eyes were completely pitch black. No iris, cornea, anything, just pure black eyeballs.
When Bethel noticed this the older boy became even more threatening and was demanding he be let into the car, and Bethel drove away.

Definitely strange right? but what was worse for Bethel was, a friend of this friend had reported a similar incident. He was getting a lift off someone else after some evening class, and before the class the driver had perhaps unwittingly offered to give two boys a lift home after the class had ended.
The boys were not around initially, so the two men got into the car, and were about to leave when suddenly the boys appeared, but the driver became apprehensive and decided to tell the boys they could not have a ride home. The same occurred in which the older boy became insistent, and then the driver and passenger both noticed the black eyes, after which the boy became threatening and was quoted as saying “Let me in, I don’t have a knife!”, which the passenger said he felt was not intended to calm the men, as it actually had the tone of “I don’t NEED a knife!”. The driver then pulled away quickly, but both men returned about 30 minutes later to see that the boys had left.

Since these encounters, numerous others have occurred with people reporting children, boys and girls, never seeming older than 13, asking for something and becoming insistent, sometimes there is a girl either in place of the younger boy, or with both boys. It is not always in a car either, sometimes the children have been reported knocking on peoples doors and asking to be let in. The strange factor is that no-one has ever instantly noticed the children had black eyes. This has lead some people to believe that, if these tales are true, perhaps there is some low level mind control at work. Perhaps that is why at first people feel as if they should give the children what they want.

There have been no reports of BEKs actually physically harming anyone to my knowledge. However we do not know if anyone has actually encountered a BEK and given in to its demands. Would it harm you? they’re behaviour leads me to believe they would but it could be some form of test. Also they require permission to enter your home, or your car, which has some paranormal fans thinking they could be vampire like entities.
Make of it what you will, I neither believe nor disbelieve the existence of BEKs, or many other paranormal entities, as I await concrete proof that they do or do not exist.

Just promise me, my dear readers, that if a small group of mysterious young children ask you for a favour, check their eyes first.

2 thoughts on “Are you afraid of the dark?

  1. shepherdnick says:

    I wonder if pedo bear notices their eyes?

  2. corabain says:

    BEKS confuse and arouse pedo bear

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